Psychological Evaluations with Parenting Emphasis (PEPE) inform Domestic Relations Court about the impact of mental health and substance abuse disorders, characterological and interpersonal issues, and parenting strategies on an individual’s ability to competently raise and co-parent their child/children. This evaluation includes clinical interviews with the parents and the spouses/significant others and the child/children involved in the litigation. PEPEs consist of psychological testing, clinical interviews, and a review of collateral data. PEPE’s do not offer an opinion regarding custody or visitation but seek to assist the Court with making informed decisions.
Although it is recommended that both parents participate in PEPEs, Custody Evaluations require that both parents, their spouses or significant others, and the child/children involved in the litigation participate in the evaluation. Custody evaluations additionally include psychological testing, clinical interviews, and a review of collateral data. Custody evaluations offer recommendations regarding custody and visitation schedules based on numerous variables including mental health and substance abuse disorders, special needs of child/children, the ability of parents to effectively communicate, and parent-child dynamics.
Psychological Evaluations can be conducted with a child/children involved in custody disputes and offer insight into their specific emotional, behavioral, and/or medical needs of the child/children. Parents and other caregivers are included in the evaluation with questions tailored to parent-child dynamics, and parenting strategies that best meet the needs of the child/children.
Each of these evaluations center on the best interests of the child/children and are intended to provide objective, non-biased information to the Court, Guardian ad Litems, and the involved parties.
Parenting Evaluations are conducted with parents involved with Child Protective Services Agencies and Family Courts to assist with developing case plans tailored to meet the needs of the parents and the children. These evaluations specifically address the impact of mental health and substance abuse diagnoses, lifestyle choices, relationships, financial and housing stability, cognitive capacities, and parenting skills on an individual’s ability to safely and competently parent their child/children.
Trauma and Abuse Evaluations assess whether a child has been exposed to trauma, neglect, and abuse, and the impact of these adverse life experiences on the child’s mental health. In addition to offering mental health diagnoses, treatment recommendations are also offered.
Sexual Abuse Evaluations specifically assess children for exposure to sexual abuse and sexually oriented materials in a developmentally appropriate manner. Sexual abuse evaluations identify the nature and extent of the sexually inappropriate experiences and the impact of these adverse life experiences on a child’s mental health. Similar to the Trauma and Abuse Evaluation, Sexual Abuse Evaluations assess children for mental health disorders associated with the trauma, such as PTSD, depression, and anxiety.
Bonding Assessments evaluate the bond and attachment between child/children and their potential adoptive parents/caregivers, and the relationships between siblings.
Multi-Ethnic Placement Act Evaluation (MEPA) specifically assesses a child’s request to be placed with or adopted by a caregiver of specific race/ethnicity.

Competency Evaluations assess a juvenile’s competence to stand trial and considers factors associated with intellectual abilities, mental health diagnoses, and knowledge of the court process.
Dispositional Evaluations offer recommendations to the Court when considering potential consequences for juveniles involved in the criminal justice system that consider the psychological needs of a juvenile.
Amenability Evaluations are requested when a Court considers binding over a juvenile to the adult system based on the severity of the charges. Amenability evaluations consider multiple factors salient to treatment amenability, including risk for future violence, developmental maturity, intellectual ability, and willingness to participate in treatment services.
Special Youth Offender Evaluations are dispositional evaluations that assist Courts with determining whether a juvenile should be subject to a Special Youth Offender designation and could potentially experience incarceration within the adult system after completing their sentences within the juvenile correctional system.

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
TF-CBT is an evidence-based treatment for children and adolescents impacted by trauma and their parents or caregivers. TF-CBT has proved successful with children and adolescents who struggle with symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder, fear, anxiety, or depression, related to traumatic life events. TF-CBT provides psychoeducation to both child and their non-offending caregivers and help them identify and cope with emotions, thoughts and behaviors.
Play, Art, Sand Tray Therapy These psychotherapy approaches help children and adolescents explore their thoughts and feelings freely; these non-verbal forms of therapy allow them to discuss and process their trauma in a safe, non-invasive way. Therapists use play, art, and sand tray as a way to communicate with children who often express themselves better through play activities than through verbal communication.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy is a unique, nontraditional form of psychotherapy designed to diminish negative feelings associated with memories of traumatic events. Unlike most forms of talk therapy, EMDR focuses less on the traumatic event itself and more on the disturbing emotions and symptoms that result from the event.
Caregiver Consultation-Caring for Traumatized Children Provides education to parents/caregivers about how to support their child during the aftermath of their disclosure of abuse and/or trauma. Parents/caregivers are educated on the effects of trauma and/or abuse on the child’s brain and how it impacts their emotions, feelings and behaviors. In cases of sexual abuse, parents/caregivers are provided guidance on how to address their child’s concerns, questions and how to talk to them about what happened.